7 Facts About Valentine's Day Chocolates
Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to enjoy one of the most universally beloved sweets: chocolate. If you’re being mindful of your diet, you don’t have to abstain completely. However, going overboard can have consequ
Start Here: How to Use SELF’s 6 Weeks to Stronger Workout Plan
When you start looking for a new workout program, it can easily turn into “go big or go home” pretty damn quickly. This kicks off a fitness trajectory I’ve seen all too often: A headfirst dive into working out, cramming
10 Tips to Have a Healthier Valentine's Day
When you’re trying to stick to a healthier lifestyle, holidays can be a challenge, and Valentine’s Day is no exception. All those Valentine’s Day treats — like candy hearts, boxes of chocolate, decadent dinners, and
10 Reasons to Add Rowing to Your Next Workout
The core stabilization you build through rowing can improve your day-to-day functioning in lots of ways, whether we’re talking about in the gym or outside of it—for example, allowing you to pick up heavy objects without s